I try to determine the Tafel constants as well as the exchange current density from potentiodynamic current density-potential curves for an electrolyte mainly composed of 0.3M CuSO4 and 1.9M H2SO4.
For this experiments I used a rotating disk electrode (brass) as working electrode, a big plate of copper (I also tried once a Pt electrode) as counter electrode and a Ag/AgCl electrode (3M KCl) as reference electrode.
The experiments have all been conducted in a faraday cage.
Each curve I receive has some of these steps, also at different rotating speeds.
This phenomenon only occurs when I use the rotating disk electrode. Other experiments (LPR measurement, potentiodynamic current density-potential curves, EIS) without rotating disc electrode work very well.
It would be great if anybody out there has an idea what could be the reason for this issue.
Thanks a lot.