In normal procedure of MF preparation, the complete procedure needs ~ 3.5-4 h. I want to know why recently the reaction times for both first and second step decreased to 0.5 h (totally 1 h)? we control the pH and temperature of solution in all steps. As I know at lower pH the reaction could be faster, but we try to keep it at basic condition during the reaction. During the reaction some times the pH increased to ~10, however sometimes it drops to ~8 and we try to maintain the pH by addition of Na2CO3 or NaOH.

Procedure of MF preparation: A predetermined pH value of the initial formaldehyde was adjusted by the addition of solution NaOH or Na2CO3 (pH~9), at room temperature (~30 °C). Melamine powder were then added to the reaction vessel and heated gradually to 95-99 °C, under continuous mixing, and the mixture was kept at this condition to form a clear and transparent liquid. During this step the cloud points test was conducted to find the end point for the first step of reaction, and usually this step was completed at 1-1.5 h. After this point, the reaction temperature reduced to 85 °C and the polymerization reaction was conducted for around 2 hours under constant agitation to obtain higher degree of conversion. The end point of the reaction was checked regularly by water tolerance and cloud point methods.

The pH of the reaction is adjusted as needed to maintain the pH at a desired level (~ 9.2 - 9.3).

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