9 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zahra Gholami
I have Co/Al2O3 catalysts and carbon is deposited on the surface by decomposition of light hydrocarbon on the surface of catalysts, therefore the catalysts are containing cobalt carbides and some...
03 March 2022 6,356 5 View
I would like to know what is the best and more economic method for the separation and collection of formed solid carbon in the Boudouard reaction (2CO (g) --> CO2 (g) + C (s))? Is it any...
30 March 2021 8,105 1 View
I would like to know what is the most accurate and fast method for measuring the methanol content of formaldehyde solution (formalin)? Usually, it can be determined indirectly, based on the...
07 August 2019 3,771 3 View
In normal procedure of MF preparation, the complete procedure needs ~ 3.5-4 h. I want to know why recently the reaction times for both first and second step decreased to 0.5 h (totally 1 h)? we...
17 September 2015 2,529 4 View
How can I measure dye intensity or dye concentration in a real wastewater? The real wastewater is a combination of different types of dye and other contaminant. I use an adsorbent for dye removal,...
19 November 2014 5,419 16 View
Acetylene can be produced from the reaction of CaC2 and H2SO4: CaC2(s) + H2O ---> C2H2 (g) + Ca(OH)2 Then, in the next step H2SO4 is used for the purification of acetylene to around 99%. I know...
21 October 2014 1,930 3 View
Looking for consultant expert in production and formulation of different types of urea-formaldehyde resins and powder adhesive. Please contact me if you are expert and interested in working as a...
14 August 2014 7,391 3 View
It was observed that the viscosity of the resins changed and increased during the transportation in the storage tank, especially when the temperature in above 30 C. I want to know that is it any...
12 August 2014 4,117 6 View
Oxamide used for cross-linking the Chitosan. Considering that Oxamide has 2 Amine groups and Chitosan also has amin groups as well. Is it possible to use Oxamide alone as a cross-linker agent? If...
02 February 2014 5,855 1 View