Hello, we have recently been doing DAB stains to visualise the morphology of biocytin-filled neurons we record from acute slices. Although the stain seems to work very well and visualises the dendrites and axons nicely, upon close inspection we often find small discontinuities in the labelling of the dendrites (see picture attached where these ‘breaks’ have been circled red). I was wondering whether anyone has had this issue before and could point out the cause and/or suggest a solution to avoid this.

Our procedures are shortly as follows:

After recording, our slices are fixed for max 12 hours in 4% PFA, then stored in PB for a few days before performing a DAB stain following procedures pretty similar to those described in Article Improved biocytin labeling and neuronal 3D reconstruction

, after which they are cover-slipped and embedded in Moviol.

The protocol paper I cite above has a very nice troubleshooting table, but for incomplete staining of dendritic structures they only suggest increasing fill-time. As most of our neurons are filled for 30 min to 1 hr, I really doubt that is the problem here. The only other possible cause mentioned in the paper is our choice of embedding medium, which is moviol instead of their preferred Eukitt…

Other options we’ve been discussing including the following:

Are we not permeating the membranes enough with the TritonX treatment step to reach the biocytin in the cell? Is it mechanical damage from using a brush to transfer slices during the staining procedures and PB washing steps? (Could this cause breaks on such a microscopic scale?). Or could it simply be that there really is just too little biocytin in there to produce a signal?

I’m really interested to know what others think about this, any help would be super appreciated!

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