I have tried to transform several different plasmids into chemically competent DH5 alpha cells (commercial and hand made), however none of the plasmids transform in to the DH5alpha cells.

My positive control, pUC19, transformed into the cells with a efficiency of 1.6X10^7. However, my ligated sample (using T4 ligase), a 10X dilution of the ligated sample, and uncut plasmids will not transform into the cells. All of the plasmids are ampicillin resistant and I have transformed the vector backbone (plasmid) and a plasmid containing the insert into E.coli before and the transformation has worked (i.e. the backbone and insert are not toxic). I was given three plasmids (i.e. not prepared by me) and miniprepped the rest of the plasmid from already transformed cells so I am not convinced sample prep is the problem.

Any ideas of why pUC 19 (and my lab mates plasmids) will transform, but not my DNA?

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