I have the following B level alerts in cif:
Alert level B SYMMS02_ALERT_1_B The unit-cell lengths a and c should be equal for a rhombohedral cell Cell 8.1970 8.1970 22.2487 Angles 90.0000 90.0000 120.0000 SYMMS02_ALERT_1_B Cell angles alpha and gamma should be equal for a rhombohedral cell Cell 8.1970 8.1970 22.2487 Angles 90.0000 90.0000 120.0000 SYMMS02_ALERT_1_B All angles should not be 90 for a rhombohedral cell Cell 8.1970 8.1970 22.2487 Angles 90.0000 90.0000 120.0000
The reviewer asked to comment on this. What can be the possible explanantion?