Since a long time ,women has been fighting to enter the political arena because of certain constraint that they were facing all around them. First , It was argued that politics was only reserved for men and decision making was only meant to men. Secondly, women has triple burden and they do not have time , this time management prevent them to enter the political sphere. Thirdly, It costs a lot for women to enter the political arena because , they have to sponsor their own election and most of them do not have sufficient amount of fund to go ahead. Fourthly,sometimes women do not participate because the political quotas are not respected. For example ,in some countries the 1/3% quota is not needed and hence the political party can go further ahead to continued their electoral campaign. Fifthly, even if women enters the political arenas , their point of views are not considered , they are as if faded away in the political path. Sixth, they should be elected to be able to run the political office , hence it depends on the way others do their  campaign. Since a long time women have fight for their rights because a women's right are human rights also. We should also note that individual have different needs but is it still possible for women to stand in the election without being disgraced or being found as a weaker sex. ? your views and comments are welcomed 

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