Spin coating is widely used in the semiconductor industry, as one of the applications of thin films, creating thin films with thicknesses below 10 nm of even high-quality thickness. It is used intensively in photolithography, to deposit layers of photoresist about 1 micrometer thick. The photoresist is typically spun at 1000 to 4000 revolutions per minute for 30 to 60 seconds. Owing to the low values of thickness which can be achieved using spin coating methods, this method is often also employed in the fabrication of transparent titanium dioxide thin films on quartz or glass substrates; such thin film coatings may exhibit self-cleaning and self-sterilizing properties.
Single substrate spin processing is widely used in the semiconductor industry, where spin coating can be used to create thin films of less than 10nm thickness. Spin processing can be used for cleaning or etching. Most substrates can be spin processed, including wafers, microscopeslides, photomasks, or even small pieces etc.
Our POLOS spin coaters are used for both cleaning applications as well as photolithography, to deposit layers of photoresist typically 1 micrometer thick. POLOS spin coaters are available for all sizes, ranging from small pieces to large 450 mm diameter substrates.