Recent t methods used for desensitization in allergic rhinitis is allergen specific immunotherapy by subcutaneous or sublingual methods as both are common.. However keeping the clinical history of the patient effective diagnosis by Skin prick tests and demonstration of raised Ige to that allergen is recommended before putting the patient on immunization.
Subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy has long been used in allergic rhinitis and/or asthma and has been recognized to be efficacious. A patient should be diagnosed on the basis of clinical history mainly drug used. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) appears to be associated with a lower incidence of systemic reactions. The clinical efficacy of subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) is well established for both rhinitis. SLIT vaccines are also used.
In India SLIT is still in infancy and at minimal use because local allergens and vaccines are not yet approved by regulatory agencies but available in Europe and recenty approved by FDa USA.
Subcutaneous immunotherapy is practised successfully for about hundred years. the recent immunotherapy is the oral one that is not a new concept but a new ,more convenient method of allergen extracts administration. No other bnrakethough ....
I think the more recent immunological method (2013) is the group-specific multi-allergen sublingual/swallow immunotherapy for polysensitized individuals. Attached is an article about it.
SLIT is very effective treatment for allergic rhinitis, esspecialy in monosenzitized patients. It possible to achive good results in patients who recive it within a mixture of pollen goup, e.g. grass pollen or weeds...