What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Education and pedagogy?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Education and pedagogy.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
Is political indoctrination replacing the search for truth among academics in the United States? Is this even an issue?
How to describe the distributed leadership practices of the primary public schools in Madrid, in the presence of a set of characteristics of their managers.
The construction of a unified conceptual and categorial system of the learning activity.
Determination of the general learning activity structure.
or, the "mother" of all problems:
The foundations of a unified psycho pedagogical theory of the learning process.
Dariusz Prokopowicz I am not sure the research that dominates the field actually benefits the learning processes for the students. I believe that research with students as co-researchers has a lot of promise. Learning energy can be idenfied if we are willing to find a individual good combination of the students needs and interests and what can improve the situation and the relations the students are in at that moment.
I'll try to briefly answer on: What kind of scientific research dominates in education and pedagogy? (I saw several different questions within this discussion). In my opinion, quantitative paradigm dominates in this research field. There is a lot of statistics, although some of the research findings (that were held with this paradigm) aren't applicable and doesn't have any type of practical implications or some kind of recommendations. In some researches I really don't know what is their scientific goal, is there any originality (just think on those hundreds of research papers that are convincing us again and again that PBL (problem-based learning) is so effective - we all know that), and what should we do with the data and conclusions.
Except, this methodology (quantitative) is sometimes so rigid (or our reviewers are like that) and it is like a frame that should be comfortable for any research topic. In that sense - if we have methodological frame (or ''suit'') before the topic, we are just trying to incorporate our research in that ''comfortable'' suit. In my opinion, that could be one of the reasons that pedagogy and educational sciences are very slow in their progress. Honestly - it's not easy to find anything really new in this fields with the exception of new technologies in education.
Globally majority of the Industrial and Educational sectors discussing more on
the TRAINING parts of the technological / even on the subject content delivery of any subject matters whether technical or non technical
in the implementation of education that must be carried out by the teacher is to recognize the characteristics of students, because pedagogics can be applied if the teacher knows in advance who the students are, how students and the conditions of students. Books on Student Development and Growth can be read and studied so that the implementation of education will run well and the formulation of strategies and learning design for the preparation of thesis proposals will be more meaningful. thank you
I suggest the following questions and research problems in the above topic:
How will education change in the future due to the development of computer games?
Currently, dynamic development of computer games is being carried out, both on-line computers, on-line versions of the Internet and versions for mobile devices and smartphones.
For young people using smartphones, games are one of the main forms of entertainment.
Probably the next stage in the development of computer games will be the development of multithreaded versions, i.e. with the active participation of the person playing and the implementation of artificial intelligence for games.
How can this development affect education, pedagogy and education in the future?
How to use the development of computer games to serve more effective education instead of generating negative external aspects, negative social, alienation, alienating people playing these games in a situation of serious addiction to computer games?
This is a question that can be answered at the interdisciplinary level, combining the problems of computer science, computer games, education, pedagogy, psychology and other social sciences.
This is a very important issue that determines, among other things, the psychosomatic, emotional and social development of the current generation of young people and probably also future generations in the future.
I am asking for answers, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Considering the psychosomatic, social and emotional development - we already have many problems in that area. These problems are bigger than we are willing to admit. And they are all connected to each other (e.g. speech development is dramatically changing). I really think that technical and technological advances are much higher than human beings are ready to follow up. We simply improved everything except humans. Maybe it's necessary to ''create'' new human species - homo technologicus or something like that. Or, some microprocessor could be embedded and that's it.
(I'm sometimes really afraid of it, but that's possibility with great probability. And many others are afraid of that too. I'm interested in the fantasy literature and its reception and that's my major field of research during last few years. There is a serious connection between discouraging reality and fantasy genre. In this century we are witnesses of booming fantasy. People are looking for escape from their realities. Just imagine how many people are reading/watching Game of Thrones or Harry Potter).
Gamefication or any type of computer games could be used if they are created with didactical goals. But - that's something common to any type of game, even to symbolic game - we can't play all the time. Our daily schedule should be combination of different activities.
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is also current:
How can you describe the correlation between the Industry 4.0 technological revolution and modern 4.0 education?
At present, in the age of the technological revolution known as the 4.0 industry, new teaching concepts are being defined as education 4.0.
The technological revolution in recent years, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence.
In addition, in the knowledge-based economy, the important areas of knowledge and technologies that are developed are primarily the development of data processing analytics in Business Intelligence enterprises, the development of life science technologies, biotechnology, eco-innovation, energy, medical intelligence, etc.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information collections gathered in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
Does the development of data processing technology in Big Data database systems and other technologies developed in the field of technological revolution Industry 4.0 generate the need to develop education 4.0?
How can you describe the correlation between the Industry 4.0 technological revolution and modern 4.0 education?
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
In addition, I suggest the following questions and research problems in the above topic:
What instruments of modern education should be used in the context of the development of new online media?
Activating critical thinking of students and students is a particularly important determinant of effective education. Modern education instruments are important in this area, thanks to which analytical techniques, brainstorming, debates, discussions, etc. used in the education process of students and students are developed. These techniques should also develop creativity, innovation and teamwork.
In my opinion, activating critical thinking of students and students, developing the ability to discuss in debates, to develop creativity, innovation and teamwork of students and students perfectly correlates with the development of the concept of modern education 4.0.
At present, in the age of the technological revolution known as the 4.0 industry, new teaching concepts are being defined as education 4.0.
The technological revolution in recent years, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence.
In addition, in the knowledge-based economy, the important areas of knowledge and technologies that are developed are primarily the development of data processing analytics in Business Intelligence enterprises, the development of life science technologies, biotechnology, eco-innovation, energy, medical intelligence, etc.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information collections gathered in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
Does the development of data processing technology in Big Data database systems and other technologies developed in the field of technological revolution Industry 4.0 generate the need to develop education 4.0?
How can you describe the correlation between the Industry 4.0 technological revolution and modern 4.0 education?
What instruments of modern education should be used in the context of the development of new online media?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Another proposal for a research topic in this field:
How to use data processing technologies in Big Data database systems for modern education 4.0?
In the field of technological fields that are developing strongly and co-create the current technological revolution referred to as Industry 4.0, data processing in the cloud computing information collected in Big Data database systems is included. In this way, you can conduct an analysis of the sentiment of evaluation of products and services made by consumers on discussion forums and in entries, comments, posts, recordings, banners posted on social media portals. All these tecnologies are already available for education and can be used both in modern education 4.0 as well as in ongoing research.
At present, in the age of the technological revolution known as the 4.0 industry, new teaching concepts are being defined as education 4.0.
The technological revolution in recent years, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence.
In addition, in the knowledge-based economy, the important areas of knowledge and technologies that are developed are primarily the development of data processing analytics in Business Intelligence enterprises, the development of life science technologies, biotechnology, eco-innovation, energy, medical intelligence, etc.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information collections gathered in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
Therefore, I am asking you with the following query: How to use data processing technologies in Big Data database systems for modern education 4.0?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
I propose the following proposal for a research topic in this area:
Can computer games be used in the process of improving teaching techniques in 4.0 education systems?
Didactic methods based on computer games are included in the new education 4.0. Therefore, education systems should be improved in such a way as to make the most of the techniques known for the current technological progress known as Industry 4.0.
On the other hand, as part of the technological revolution of Industry 4.0, other technologies are also being developed that should be effectively implemented into modern education tools so that education systems can be improved and adapted to new technologies that are currently being dynamically developed and implemented in industry. In addition, these new technologies Industry 4.0 should also enrich the work of scientists in research laboratories of universities and schools. Scientific research conducted in the field of new technologies, innovations, etc. should also be correlated with Industry 4.0.
Apparently, we are now living in the era of the fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0.
The previous three technological revolutions:
1. The industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, determined mainly by the industrial application of the invention of a steam engine.
2. Electricity era of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.
3. The IT revolution of the second half of the twentieth century determined by computerization, the widespread use of the Internet and the beginning of the development of robotization.
The current fourth technological revelation, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors:
- artificial intelligence,
- cloud computing,
- machine learning,
- Big Data database technologies,
- Internet of Things.
On the basis of the development of these IT instruments and technologies, business analytics of companies such as Business Intelligence and the above-mentioned areas have been dynamically developing in recent years.
The technological revolution described as Industry 4.0 is progressing more and more dynamically. The reforms in the school system should follow this progress, so that modern education 4.0 would be fully adapted and correlated with the progress of Industry 4.0.
The technological revolution Industry 4.0 is carried out so quickly that education systems and fields of study, teaching methods are adapted to these changes often with a significant delay.
On the other hand, research conducted in research centers at universities should support the creation of new innovations in technological solutions for the needs of industry 4.0.
Therefore, the education system should be improved in such a way as to create as much synergy and correlation as possible between the current technological revolution of Industry 4.0 and the reformed systems of new education 4.0.
One of these areas of new teaching techniques are the above-mentioned computer games. In many training centers, for example in the field of training pilots, drivers, cosmonauts, aircraft controllers, etc., simulators that technologically use modern computer games are used. Computer games should therefore be used in the process of improving didactic techniques in education systems 4.0.
Therefore, I am asking you with the following query: Can computer games be used in the process of improving teaching techniques in 4.0 education systems?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
In addition, I propose the following research question in this area:
The importance of new online media and education on these media in the modern economy?
Media education is very important in my country.
It mainly concerns such fields of study as media studies, journalism, new media on the Internet, security of information transfer on the Internet, internet marketing, new media including social media portals, information processing in Big Data database systems, etc.
In my country, the development of services based on teleinformatics and new media is considered an important factor in the development of a modern knowledge-based economy. In addition, the development of services based on teleinformatics and new media is also considered one of the main determinants of the current fourth technological revolution referred to as Industry 4.0.
In view of the above, the current question is: The importance of new online media and education on these media in the modern economy?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
1 كثرة أعداد التلامذة في الصف الواحد ويتجاوز عددهم ((50)) أحيانا
.2 قلة الوسائل التعليمية الفعالة في المدارس وانعدامها في الكثير من المدارس الأخرى
.3 سؤ توزيع الدروس على المعلمين من قبل إدارة المدرسة وخاصة في الصفوف الأولى إذ ان المعلم يعطى أوتوماتيكيا (( عربي + رياضيات )) رغم إنهما علمين لا رابط بينهما ، إضافة إلى سؤ التوزيع هذا فأن الكثير من المعلمين والمعلمات يحرصون في هذه الصفوف على تنفيذ مفردات المنهج للغة العربية على حساب الرياضيات.
.4 كثافة المنهج الدراسي يحول دون استخدام طرائق التدريس الحديثة إذ ان المعلم يلجأ إلى طريقة المحاضرة لغرض إكمال المنهج الدراسي.
.5 قلة الدورات التطويرية للمعلمين ومن قبلهم لإدارات المدارس التي ينبغي لها ان تعرف طرائق التدريس الحديثة لكي تكون على علم ودراية بها وتسعى إلى تطبيقها وتوفير متطلباتها قدر الأمكان.
.6 وقت الدرس البالغ ((40)) دقيقة غير كاف للتعلم من قبل التلميذ إضافة إلى ضغط الدوام ليصل إلى (6-7) حصص يوميا يجهد التلميذ في الصفوف المتقدمة من المرحلة الابتدائية، يجهده بالتحضير اليومي لخمس مواد على أقل تقدير بما يشتت فكره وتركيزه.
In the context of the above considerations, I also propose the following research problem:
What are the sources of increased aggression and violence among youth in schools?
The development of violence at school is determined by many factors, including, above all, cultural changes created in the mass media. In addition, both educators in schools and parents due to the large time commitment in their work have less and less time, which they devote to children and youth for educational purposes. In some countries or districts of cities where the standard of living is low, characterized by low incomes, it generates an increase in crime among young people. In the same poorly economically developed countries and poor urban districts, poorly paid public services do not cope with limiting the growth of crime among young people. In the same economically poorly developed countries and poor urban districts, local self-government authorities, with a modest budget, do not offer young people interesting out-of-school activities, sports attractions and other general development and cultural activities. All the above determinants generate further social problems, which accumulate, build up and cause an increase in aggression and violence at school.
Do you agree with my opinion?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What are the sources of increased aggression and violence among youth in schools?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
Accordingly, I propose the following research question in this area:
How to develop pro-ecological education?
How should the use of modern technology develop pro-ecological education regarding the promotion of the need to develop the green economy concept, including sustainable ecological development?
Please reply
Best wishes
Another proposal for a research topic in this field:
What are the determinants of the development of vocational education, training of people working professionally and e-learning?
In my opinion, education, including adult education, university and vocational training, will develop mainly due to the fact that the economies of individual countries are changing faster and changing, the structure and meaning of particular sectors, branches and fields of activity in national economies, in In highly developed countries, industrial branches of the economy are transferred to countries with lower labor costs, in developed countries information, IT and ICT technologies are intensively developing, as well as Internet information services, etc.
As a result, labor markets are changing, new branches of services are emerging, new vocational professions are created in the field of Internet information services and advanced data processing in information systems.
People are increasingly changing their jobs and profession. A small part of the society throughout their lives work in one company, in one profession, in one area of ??the host activity, in one profession. People are increasingly moving towards faster and faster changing national economies, changing jobs, changing jobs, businesses, cities, etc.
Therefore, people have to retrain and become more and more educated. Increasingly, adults use training and post-graduate studies to obtain a new profession, a new profession and a new interesting job.
On the other hand, universities and schools of continuing education and vocational education adapt their educational offers to the changing labor market, to the changing demand of employees employed in specific companies, at specific positions. Universities and schools, observing the rapid development of Internet information services, create study and training offers conducted via the Internet in the e-learning system. It is a convenient form of training for people primarily adults, working and often living outside a large urban agglomeration, in another city, town, village, etc., than a university city.
I propose the following proposal for a research topic in this area:
In what direction are e-learning technologies developed?
How are modern online e-learning platforms built?
Systems and online e-learning platforms are organized in a variety of ways. Most e-learning platforms are organized as communication platforms containing databases of pre-recorded lectures and developed teaching materials, prepared exercises and projects.
In some universities there are also developed online e-learning platforms containing intelligent solutions and didactic classes conducted in real time. Some universities of this type, modern online e-learning platforms are constantly improving by implementing computerized technologies of advanced data processing.
Thanks to this type of solutions, it is possible to conduct lectures and other didactic classes remotely, via the Internet for students who sit at their computers at the same time in various places around the globe, living and working in different countries, on different continents.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
In what direction are e-learning technologies developed?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
إضافة الى ماسبق
- عدم توحيد فهم القوانين منجميع الاطراف
- عدم المساهمة الفاعلة للطلبة كشريك اجتماعي
- غياب منظومة جودة متكاملة
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG How is the question of aggression in schools presented in your country? Is this a serious problem? Is this problem growing or decreasing? How is this problem solved systematically?
Please reply
Thank you very much for your answer
Best wishes
Is political indoctrination replacing the search for truth among academics in the United States? Is this even an issue?
In my opinion, in Indonesia the education process is proceeding to improve quality, but if political elements have become part of education policy, then this in my country is a problem, so the solution is difficult to solve, even those who dare to fight the flow tend to become careers problem.
What factors that influence students to be successful in their Education journey?
1- The problem of aggression in schools is serious, as a phenomenon that exists but does not pose great forms because of its limitedness.
This problem is systematically solved by a system of awareness and strict enforcement of laws and deterrence.
As an experience, the other party must be sensitized to its presence and its participation in decision-making reduces the problem
2- Factors Influencing Students' Success in Education:
- Appreciate the appropriate methods.
- Strengthen the psychological side and self-confidence.
- Role of home and family climate.
- Teacher role and positive interaction
Early apprenticeship in elementary schools via role playing toward a future study of play.
A worthwhile discussion topic for all those involved in E-learning and teaching technologies. Undoubtedly, online teaching and learning has all together different dynamics, however learner expectations are far different from their online instructor as compared to face-to-face instruction. Unfortunately, faculty in higher education still need to go far to be well acquainted and come up to the expectations of online learners. Additionally, the content is not designed for part time and full time online learners, a part time professional learner is forced to study the similar content that a full time undergraduate/freshman has to study. Universities and colleges lack professional development resources to design a different content for different learners. One size never fits all.
The problem in Libya is swearing and attacking teachers especially in primary schools and some times in privet universities so these situation did not exist before 2011.
Unfortunately, I am confused over political indoctrination and religious indoctrination. Cognitive strategies or professional methodologies have been part of my Mississippi, Alabama, Colorado and Tennessee teaching experiences relative to indoctrination of academic disciplines other then state/national required standards of learning. We (Public K-12/ Higher Education) kept a spirit of not questioning or becoming critical of the above administrator's method of requiring and assessing the state/national standards being taught with a classroom. Now, I have not even considered the other indoctrination confusion. Maybe later...
Social media motivates the "togetherness of a cause-good or bad." For years within the US public school institutions we have dealt with a lack of respect to teachers/professors. I have experienced this often, but fortunately, I was teaching Art and made sure that the classroom environment was authentic and accepting to all. It works-motivates their curiosity in their direction. Teach history in the future!
Is there a dissective pedagogy versus unitive pedagogy; or even better dissective androgogy vs. unitive androgogy?
At present, I am unable to offer a view point into Kizhekepat's question. I will research for an input. I still stand by Curiosity being the key to what ever is trying to be learned.
I think Gregory Bateson can help... The idea of not excluding mind in scientific understanding... of man, creation of the man-made world, ecology etc... Cybernetic epistemology and so on.
In regards to a theory of teaching, there are theories of learning such as constructivism. These theories do a good job of describing how children learn. However, a theory of learning is not a theory of teaching. I would argue that there is not a good theory of teaching. The Didactic Contract is one but I think we should strive for a better theory of teaching.
So glad you have encouraged the theory of learning such as constructivism. I have been practicing this theory it seems forever! Real world learning or the interconnectedness of the environmental reality within our personal perception is the key to success. The only problem is that we have to actually understand how each individual student sees reality in order to be able to assess their learning progress. As we know, most educational systems do not allow for this time. How can we change this mindset?
This research presented a theory to challenge students optimally over the course of teaching and learning. The theory suggests that frequent assessments and regular feedback help students’ learning primarily in three ways: (1) continual improving over the course of teaching and learning; (2) matching the instructors’ expectations with the students’ aptitudes (abilities and inabilities); and finally (3) reducing the variation in student learning - Transported-
The learner comes to the class room with a collage of "realities" and "consciousness" . A teacher needs to wrestle/engage with these collages in the classroom. An envisaged effective theory of teaching may integrate the above "nuances" into its theoretical exposition.
How do we adequately develop higher education students' creativity and innovation for the 21st Century workplace?
My forecast for the development of e-learning.
Article ICT in Education of Architects. How to Strike a Balance?
In my view, education and especially the science of education - pedagogy should clearly answer the following questions: 1. What is the product of education and especially of the school? 2. What is the purpose for which this product is built: sustainable development and the livelihood of all the world's citizens in harmony with the nature or the acquisition and expansion of private privileges? 3. What are the dimensions that evaluate the performance of this product on different levels? 4. What are the criteria of truth to be promoted through education: dogmatic or scientific? 5. What is the top-of-the-line philosophy, what should be promoted through education? 6. How to ensure the continuity of pre-university and university education? 7. What are the most effective intellectual antistress tools in education?
An attempt to answer the questions above may be: https://www.academia.edu/38067783/Presentation_The_Systemic_Pedagogy_and_the_Performance_of_the_Future_Education
I suggest the following questions and research problems in the above topic:
Can the replacement of a teacher by robots be a consequence of the development of information technologies in education?
Will the development of artificial intelligence, e-learning, Internet of Things and other information technologies increase the scope of automation and standardization of didactic processes, which could result in the replacement of a teacher by robots?
Unfortunately, there is a danger that due to the development of artificial intelligence, e-learning, learning machines, the Internet of Things, etc. technology can replace the teacher in the future. However, this will not happen in the next few years, but this scenario can not be excluded in the perspective of several decades. In addition, the work of the teacher is a creative work, a social education, etc. Currently, it is assumed that artificial intelligence will not be able to fully replace a human teacher, because it is now assumed that you can not teach artistry machine, social sensitivity, emotional intelligence, empathy, etc.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
Will the development of artificial intelligence, e-learning, Internet of Things and other information technologies increase the scope of automation and standardization of didactic processes, which could result in the replacement of a teacher by robots?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
In addition, I suggest the following questions and research problems in the above topic:
Should children and young people limit the use of smartphones?
Is it for children and young people to limit, limit the use of smartphones? Should I fully control the use of smartphones by children and adolescents?
If children or adolescents use smartphones for learning, as a tool to support education processes, communication with schoolchildren and friends, and if these devices use new online media from time to time, this may not be positively assessed. However, if divides or young people from smartphones use many hours a day, among other things, viewing advertisements on social media portals and worthless memes and films, then it can have a destructive effect on the intellectual and psychological development of children and adolescents. In this situation, the use of smartphones by children and teenagers should be limited and controlled by parents, guardians and teachers.
Please reply
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Thank you very much
Best wishes
Another proposal for a research topic in this field:
What is important in education besides transferring knowledge?
What students in schools and students at universities should learn, what skills should they improve and acquire beyond the knowledge itself?
In education, it is not only about transferring knowledge, but also about the ability to use this knowledge, to acquire, search, process and use it to implement projects. In some fields of study, apart from the knowledge itself, it is important to develop students 'and students' skills, inter alia, regarding the activation of teamwork, critical thinking, participation in debates and discussions, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, specific computer programs related to the field of study, etc.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
What students in schools and students at universities should learn, what skills should they improve and acquire beyond the knowledge itself?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
It is possible to study the impact of modern technology and means of social communication on the family situation, its relation to some variables, the economic factor, the size of the family (number of family members), etc.
Dear Dariusz Prokopowicz, in the field of education there are many problems. First, theory of pedagogic and education has been dominated by western countries. A collectivist manner of educating children differs from individualistic educating. Second, since English is the scientific language, the world does not learn about non-western education and pedagogic. Third, education is context defined. Since the non-western context is holistic and collectivistic, education and pedagogic will be different in collectivist countries. I hope that my answer inspires you, Carl
That is an important point. For example the Reggio Emilia method is not easily duplicated in other settings.
The education prepare the persons to the life. It will beyond the knowledge. Lets think, If the people in the market are contracted by curriculum, but are demited for yor behavior it says tha your formation was incomplete.
Hi again Dariusz. I support Carl's answer. These comments are maybe a bit wide-ranging but emerge from my research over the last 7 years. First: The most significant scientific research potentially impacting theory and practice of early childhood and school education is 'neuroscience'. eg. Some coordinated lab and school research is exploring music experience and language development. Second: There is ideological and empirical disagreement about the nature and status of the research most applicable to education and pedagogy: What is 'evidence-based'? Laboratory? Meta-analyses? Case study? Action? Third: For me there seems so little coordinated, cross institutional, long term, issues focused research. Where is the sustained conceptual and field research examining Montessori, RE, Steiner-Waldorf, individual school initiatives globally, and the more 'mainstream' various models of early childhood and schooling? Fourth: Yes, there is some 'evidence' with respect to literacy and numeracy education, emerging 'evidence' about ICT, and multiple statements about 'soft skills' schooling - values, attitudes, service, compassion, environmental care, spirituality &c &c, - but as far as I can tell, again there is little supporting research about the pedagogy associated with these - to me - necessary and worthy ideals and aims?
I find literally thousands of statements about education and pedagogy - but the habit in western countries at least is to move from 'fad' to 'fad' - from 'whole child' to 'every child', from 'multiple intelligences' to 'differentiation', to 'personalised learning', to 'artificial intelligence'. As far as I can tell from a search of over 40 countries, international documents and 300 schools, there is very little clear, agreed, shared, sustained, global 'education and pedagogy' research. Please tell me if there is. Best N
Existen múltiples problemas en el campo de la Educación y la Pedagogía y dependen del contexto en que se encuentre el profesor y/o investigador, pues cada país, región e institución educativa tiene sus particularidades. Lo importante es utilizar métodos de investigación cinetífica para determinar si realmente las problemáticas a las que nos enfrentamos en la práctica educativa son un problema científico a resolver
-How to statistically de-aggregate results of research in order to identify subpopulations who particularly benefit or do not benefit from interventions
-Early identification and intervention for "late-prematurely" born students
-Strength based Special Education
-Best principles in matching students to teachers/developing class composition
-Rapid implementation of a multi-tier approach into a school with a reluctant faculty
-Simple and effective alternatives to traditional disciplinary actions
-Identification of elementary students who would benefit academically and/or socially from being retained in a grade vs. those who would catch up independently, those who need only a brief intervention and those who likely will be behind their peers and expectations for their entire academic career, regardless of intervention
Two areas I am very interested in learning about, which may also
1) The research-based best practices, when there is a student who is experiencing reading difficulties due to an underlying diagnosed or suspected cognitive impairment (processing speed, memory, etc.) are to practise reading and do focused reading exercises, not work on an intervention targeting the cognitive impairment. I think an analysis of why this is so may be illuminating.
2) Brain-based teaching and neuropedagogy are established fields. In popular science, there is greater and greater awareness of contributing factors influencing the brain and cognition, such as endocrinology, the vagus nerve, chronobiology, nutrition, microbiome-brain interactions, malleable epigenetics, etc.. I have not found that there has been much preliminary investigations about how any of these quasi-neuroscientific fields might be relevant to appliedpedagogyor theory and research.
I would welcome comments from anybody who is more informed about either of these areas and would be interested in developing a thesis.
I agree with Neil Tucker‘s perspective on educational pedagogy. I am currently wrapping up my thesis on “Whole Brain Art Education: Increasing Executive Function Skills to Promote Self-Regulatory Behaviors in an Elementary Art Setting,” and the literature review is extensive. Started in historically supported research such as Piaget, Dewey, and Vygotasky and basing the central idea of pedagogy in a constructivist mind frame, I looked at how I could adjust my teaching to allow for more student generated ideas and collaboration to encourage planning, goal setting, flexible shifting between tasks, utilizing working memory, and reflecting on their process with less emphasis on the product of their work.
To inform my research I kept Carol Dweck’s growth mindset at the forefront of my instruction and strongly considered how early adolescent formation of identity and self could be used to increase motivation (Kroger). I adopted a Project-based learning (PBL) methodology with moderate choice and modeled different strategies for goal setting and perseverance.
However, like Neil also said, there is not the longevity of time to follow these students and see how it effects their overall education. This was also performed in isolation from other curricula so the effects are not profound. Many other EF and SRL measurements are performed through use of technology and programs and are used in a math, science curricula or at the high school, college, and post-college level Such as PATHS, MetaCog, etc. My research looked at bringing all of these existing methods and ideas around cognitive function in education together and applying them to hands on 35 min art making lessons once a week.
Students, in my experience are becoming increasingly hesitant to try things independently and follow through with challenges. They crave instruction and resist thinking. I think future research on the effects of technology ( video games and computer games as well as social media) affects students’ abilities to think and work autonomously and persevere through life challenges when they do not have the option of resetting, restarting, or turning off the device to solve the problem. Students‘ ability to think and work autonomously and persevere through life challenges when they do not have the option of resetting, restarting, or turning off the device to solve the problem. I also think the aspect of home and parenting style has a great impact on students ability to self regulate their learning and use existing executive function skills. The formation of executive functioning begins as early as 18 months to three years old. Students to exhibit executive function are often better at school academics, organization, tend to have less issues with weight gain, and are able to adjust to social situations more easily.
My dissertation research is leaning more to the tension between positivist and constructivist pedagogical paradigms. They are often presented as antagonistic towards each other, but my research finds that, in theory, they can be complimentary. The devil is in the details, as they say. We can agree to be friends, but it all comes down to how we treat each other on the playground. It is actually, to me, an incredibly interesting study. Katheryn, you and I could share tea and talk for hours.
I propose the following proposal for a research topic in this area:
Can glasses for virtual reality and augmented reality be teaching instruments used in education processes?
During some lessons it may be for a limited time, in specific situations of didactic games or the presentation of specific learning processes and topics, the teacher may allow the use of devices such as virtual reality slots and augmented reality. In addition, the teacher can also include other mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones etc. in the education process. In certain situations, these devices would play the role of teaching instruments supporting the didactic processes conducted by the teacher.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
Can glasses for virtual reality and augmented reality be teaching instruments used in education processes?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
I propose the following proposal for a research topic in this area,
Risk management, internal control, fraud, internal auditing, money laundry, because our universities have forgotten the management and operations areas are elements to catch de goals for a better education.
In a world with enormous numbers of peoples moving, asylum seekers, refugees and asylum seekers, coupled with the need to support Indigenous peoples, I offer some solutions in my youtube.
Hardwick-Franco (2018) Cultural Educational Leadership.
In my opinion, the most significant force changing the technology of learning and teaching is the introduction of IT.
Moreover, different IT changes our mind in different ways.
The first way is obviously. With online training. When the face-to-face communication channel is replaced by a mediated human-computer interaction. I already wrote about this. Trends of E-education in the Context of Cybernetics Laws
The second method is implicit. IT professionals know the principle of "you can't automate chaos." Therefore, for the introduction of IT, it is necessary to limit the way of activity and reduce it to the final set of operations to which a computer can react. Therefore, the situation changes on the laptop itself, and preparing for the introduction of IT technology. The consequences in the form of clip thinking are known to specialists in education and training.
But you can use the same technologies for describing and formalizing the subject area and you can use it when learning. For example, I actively use ontological analysis (the standard of IDEF5 ontological modeling) to form students' critical thinking.
I think, in some universities, there is a movement away from a search for the truth through rigorous research. It seems that no matter how well researched or documented a study is, it can be shot down by accusations, political maneuvering, or slandering the researcher. There will come a crisis point, I believe, and the pendulum will swing back to a search for the truth.
Agreed. It emanates from a strong inertia to hold on to old teaching habits.
In my opinion among the most challenging issues related to the field of Education and Pedagogy are the teaching behaviour to students, which attract the students in interesting topics and activate their teamworking in learning. The strengths of such a pedagogical approach necessitates teachers to be tolerant and patient, knowing that deep learning is a slow process, where learning outcomes also imply that students learn at a pace commensurate with their personal abilities.
In my opinion, the influence of processes in a globalized world on various aspects of the education system of countries is relevant.
Dear Dariusz Prokopowicz
In congruence with Ayesha Kalim's and Alexander Gushchin's answers, I think that exploring the Impact of utilizing technology on students’ engagement is a reasonable topic to study.