01 February 2015 13 7K Report

Dear all,

I have one question.

When neutrons bombard into Al target, what are possible products?

I did an experiment with Ge spectrometer, and got a spectrum has energy peaks: 2242 keV, 1731 keV, 1368 keV, 846 keV, 510 keV.

When I looked up the internet, I found the possible reactions can be: (http://www.geneseo.edu/nuclear/gamma-ray-spectra)

1. 27Al(n,gamma)28Al        2. 27Al(n,alpha)24Na       3. 27Al(n,p)27Mg

With this reference, I can find energy peaks of 24Na (1368 keV) and 27Mg (846 keV), the other peaks can be the coincidence of these peaks and also annihilation gamma rays.

However, the big question to me is: Where is the peak 1778 keV of 28Al (the cross section is large: 12 barns) ? I cannot find it on my spectrum. Is it something wrong?

In the reference link above, they said that the 1778 keV cannot be detected by HPGe spectrometer but can be detected with NaI spectrometer? Why is it ???

Many thanks for your help.

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