After Location based services and crowed sourcesing what are the new research topic and trends that supports web GIS to be more useful and promising solution.
I think that one important missing functionality of Web Gis is the possibility manipulate heterogeneous spatial data by web processing services implementing fusion functions.
I think that one important missing functionality of Web Gis is the possibility manipulate heterogeneous spatial data by web processing services implementing fusion functions.
“Web GIS: Technologies, Applications, and Directions” will give a systematic overview of the technologies and applications of the rapidly changing web GIS field. On the technology side, this will review the technical evolutions and predict the trends in web GIS server and client side capabilities, cloud GIS, mobile GIS, online spatial analytics, web 3D and big data. On the application side, will use several projects, including Environmental Public Health Tracking, ePlanning, Environmental Justice Screening tool, and Geodesign, to showcase the applications of web GIS in public information services, citizen engagement, and operational decision support.
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