many edible coatings was developed in the recent few years, I think it is the best methodology to deal -not only- with quality and quantity losses of stored crops but also toward protecting product from store diseases.
For example, chitosan based coatings (alone or along with other extracts) showed promising results in this field of study.
you can read this article for more information about chitosan
Conference Paper Chitosan applications in postharvest life of horticultural crops
More than new alternative methods respecting CA/MA systems and refrigeration there are complementary technologies to those already developed as the new packaging materials and applications already mentioned above. Regarding MAP, the new innovations go towards the development of EMAP systems where the packaging is preconfigured (choosing the appropriate material, thickness, surface area and perforations) so that it becomes a kind of self-sustaining controlled atmosphere (due the balance between the product’s respiration and transpiration and the transfer of mass through the packaging walls). Other trends are focused on the combination of MAP and active packaging with controlled releasing or absorption of key components, such as ethylene, O2 and moisture. In the case of ethylene, controlled release systems of 1-MCP or catalytic absorption/oxidation with metallic nanoparticles such as platinum or gold can be used. In the case of O2, natural antioxidant elements such as citric or ascorbic acid applied directly to the product, to the packaging material or put in sachets are used. Respecting moisture (and condensation) which are very difficult to control with CA/MAP systems, high permeability materials such as PLA or very high permeability materials such as PP-PE + nanoclays are combined with absorbent active elements made of silica gel, zeolites, clays, CMC, fruit and others. Apart from the above, there is also the incorporation of antimicrobial static active elements such as polymers with silver or chitosan nanoparticles, or dynamic active elements with controlled release of garlic extracts, essential oils, etc. In my particular case, I have been working on the design, simulation and application of EMAP and active systems if you want to take a look.
You have to consider both respiration rate and transpiration rate. Transpiration is strongly depended on the relative humidity (RH) of the atmosphere. I think control of the RH is the key factor.
Also, transpiration rate must be predicted as accurate as respiration rate.