I am interested in a cluster of traits and biomarkers that might converge toward a macro-trait we could call “proneness to crowd hysteria”.

People in this cluster would presumably be hypersensitive to context and social influences, prone to mass psychogenic illnesses and conversion disorders, be at higher risk of ideological extremism, and be highly receptive to cultural affordances.

Any leads?

Here are a few candidates traits ; not sure if any one of these would be sufficient for crowd hysteria.

(< = high; > = low)


High in:

< social cognition

< empathy

< hypnotizability

< disgust avoidance

< external locus of control

< conscientiousness

< agreeableness

< neuroticism

< smartphone social media addiction

Low in:

> openness to experience

> need for cognition

> IQ


5HTTLPR - short S carriers

DRD4 - 7R carriers??

Vasopressin and oxytocin receptor polymorphisms?

Other biomarkers

Female sex (though clearly men are also at risk; prone to c.h. men don’t all appear to be more feminine)

High 2D/4D ratio

Ecological risk factors:

High-stress, high uncertainty environments

Rapidly shifting cultural norms

Increased resource scarcity and competitive pressures

Social media exposure


More difficult question:

Chaotic styles of interoceptive inference (predictive-processing) prompting search for meaning


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