Thank you Dr. Najib. This material is useful in my research.
What I am looking for is citeable references which focus on (a) the comparisons between reservoir levels and seismic events and (b) the beta-signatures of the seismic events.
The classic paper by Pradeep Talwani “On the nature of Reservoir-induced Seismicity” (Pure and Applied Geophysics, 150: 473-492, 1997) mentions several examples and references that may be of your interest. Apart from the case of Koyna, he discused the case of the Lake Mead as an example of “Protracted seismicity” and the case of the Monticello reservoir as an example of “initial seismicity”.
Other examples are discussed in this partial list of references (by chronological order):
- Gupta, H.K. (1992), Reservoir-Induced Earthquakes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 364 pp.
- Chen and Talwani (1998), Reservoir-induced seismicity in China, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 153: 133-149.
- Gupta (2002), A review of recent studies of triggered earthquakes by artificial water reservoirs with special emphasis on earthquakes in Koyna, India. Earth-Sciences Reviews, 58: 279-310.
- Torcal et al. (2005), Induced seismicity around the Tous New Dam (Spain), Geophys. J. Int., 160: 144-160.
- Ruiz et al. (2006), Aftershocks series monitoring of the September 18, 2004 M= 4.6 earthquake at the western Pyrenees: A case of reservoir-triggered seismicity? Tectonophysics 424 (3-4), 223-243.
- Dura-Gomez and Talwani (2010), Reservoir Induced Seismicity associated with the Itoiz Reservoir, Spain: a case study. Geophysical Journal International, 181: 343-356.
I hope some of these may be useful for your research...