Conjunctivitis is just one of signs for viral or bacterial diseases. There are many reasons for diagnosing viral and bacterial diseases which are are typically found in suspected cases. but when you see conjunctivitis it is better that you check HI test and other tests for differential diagnosing. usually, The most common causes for conjunctivitis and respiratory disorders in cases referred to the clinic is viral diseases. ILT is one of viral diseases that causes conjunctivitis and unsual respiratory discharges. Qualification and color of respiratory discharges are the most important signs for clinical diagnosis in ILT suspected cases.
The biggest problem is ammonia in poultry houses in autumn and winter. In houses that do not have mechanical ventilation, the ammonia levels exceed 30 ppm. Accordingly, the first sign in poultry, is irritation of the conjunctiva of the eye. Of course, there may be conjunctivitis bacterial and viral origins