Chemical fertilizers have multiple negative effects viz., deterioration of soil quality, water & air pollution, burn effect when over dozed, reduces micro fauna, negative externality on environment and so on
Fertilizers - mineral "chemical" and organic fertilisers as well (!) can pollute the environment only when used in amounts not adapted to the real crop nutrient demand (as a function of expected yield) and the availability in the soil according to precedent soil analysis. Particularly the overuse of N and P will produce eutrophication of waters and N might produce leaching problems to the groundwater as well as air pollution by the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) contributing to the greenhouse effect. Such negative effects are not specific for chemical fertilisers but for organic as well. Livestock wastes or manure may contribute to soil pollution much more than chemical fertilisers. Before discussing prejudiced the negative effects of chemical fertilisers, you should always take in mind that at least 50% of crop yield is attributable to this kind of fertiliser nutrient inputs ! Chemical fertilisers aren't negative - it is their inefficient and not demand-oriented use by unprofessional or ill- advised farmers.
There are several harmful effects of chemical fertilizers. Some of the harm chemical fertilizers may cause include waterway pollution, chemical burn to crops, increased air pollution, acidification of the soil and mineral depletion.
Nitrogenous fertilizers are known to enhance the vulnerability of crops to biotic stresses,especially herbivore insect pests,mainly due to greater amino compounds being preduced and/or emitted as volatile signals.
Nevertheless applied silica can often neutralise such effects.
The negative effects of fertilizers are depends on what kind of fertilizer you applied if it is synthetic or not. But commonly, synthetically made fertilizer has a great negative effect in soil such us leaving heavy on metals on it and as time passes by it will make the soil not available to plant and aside from that there is a carcinogenic effects also on human health and it should be assess by health risk assessment
By nature everything has positive and negative side, nothing is completely neutral, so is fertilizers whether mineral or organic. But keep in mind we cannot feed the growing population by advocating abstaining from fertilizers. Sustainable soil and crop management practices includes use of fertilizers in judicious manner that create synergy with the natural soil and crop health. Important and challenging is to create efficient cropping systems, which produces enough food, while balancing the systems synergies, which promote health of crop users, environment and natural soil processes. Soil and leaf applied mineral fertilizers (synthetic) are mainly developed from natural gases, rocks etc, while similarly organic fertilizers from natural organics materials, extracts etc. Negative effects comes from the characteristics of the products produced as fertilizers. The production processes and utilization should observed the properties resulting into negative effects. Users should select the ones with less negative and suit their inherently natural plants and soil properties.
If we ask for a timely diagnosis and treatment of issues; certainly, we don't have to demand more because of neglect. we state that in my country chemical fertilizers on soil depletes the soil of essential nutrients as a result. in this condition, we have only one option that returen back. There is no posiblity, but continue. The harmful effects of fertilizer application on crops utilization:
The use of synthetic fertilizers will exert selective pressure upon soil microrganisms thus, reducing their diversity. The homogenization of the soil microflora will reduce the efficiency of the same in the decomposition/humification of crop residues. In addition to this synthetic fertilizers may be lost from the field through lixiviation and/or soil erosion. This phenomenon destroys life in water through eutrophication. Nitrogenous fertilizers are notorious for this grave environmental issue when fertilizers are used in agriculture.
Looking only into the negative effects of synthetic fertilizers is like looking at the empty half cup. There is nothing perfect. the point is how to use these fertilizers and how to avoid its misuse to reduce their harmful effects. In research, we all know how harmful they are and how much we are close to the right limit of application but on the farm, growers are playing very safe in terms of production. they are welling to scarify extra amount of fertilizers to grantee maximum yield. No matter how much awareness you do, economical factor play the major role for the farmers.