Success is to reach a specific goal or purpose and for a person to be successful he must follow: 1 Determine the goal 2 Enhance willpower 3 Focus on self-motivation 4 Adopting the growth mindset 5 Get rid of stagnant thoughts 6 Positive thinking 7 Stay away from distractions 8 not to rely on others Planning 9 Economic regulation Time management
I believe focusing is the most important thing to become successful. There are many factors depending on what you want to achieve but the focus is crucial. Before focus one needs to be clear about their aim and specific goals. Learning about ourselves is the third important element. Know what are your strengths and weaknesses and focus on what you are good at.
Successful is for me to be in peace with God and myself. To be successful differ from person to person. It may mean being loved by someone, lack of health problem, daily food, nice cloths. For others it means the opportunity to develop own potentials, having a "spiritual child" like writing a book or fostering children who grow up to good persons. During the war in Finland, successful was to not have a bombarded home and to have a soldier who returned home alive. Successful may mean leaving a mark on the earth that benefitted those who suffered from something. As every person has a unique gift he/she has the potential to be successful in a very unique way.
for success there are so many ways but most important are three thing. one is motivation, second dedication and continuity in the work are most important to be successful in any field.
Soft skills such as patience, perseverance, assertiveness, creativity, adaptability, flexibility and wanting to learn more on the area you want to be successful. Believing in your self is key to success.
You shoud learn to think and to write clearly which are complementary. Fortunately for those who think and write in English (I do not know if it is available in other languages) there is the little book, “The Elements of Style“ (4th edition) by Strunk and White. It is relatively inexpensive and Amazon, among others, sells it. Read from cover to cover, then keep it handy as a reminder and a reference.
I agree with Dr. Nyaga, believing in yourself is key. From my experience, success has also come from stepping away from my pride and seeking help from others. Your limitations in an area are just as relevant as your expertise, and if you are willing to say the words "I don't know" or "I need help," you may get guidance from someone who can direct you to exactly where you need to be.
I think there are a range of attributes needed to be successful and that we need to go beyond the mantra of 21st century skills. You might like to have a look at this paper which describes them
Article Why we need to stop talking about twenty-first century skills
Success is to reach a specific goal or purpose and for a person to be successful he must follow: 1 Determine the goal 2 Enhance willpower 3 Focus on self-motivation 4 Adopting the growth mindset 5 Get rid of stagnant thoughts 6 Positive thinking 7 Stay away from distractions 8 not to rely on others Planning 9 Economic regulation Time management
There are several things to do to achieve success, including planning, implementation, making the right decision, taking advantage of time and opportunities, and wow
Permit me to share this, though it may sounds religious but, it's absolutely true when it comes to success.
Joshua 1:8
Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.
Generally success depends on some successful efforts that should be done by someone strictly. But sometimes all holistic efforts ended in vain if luck doesn't favor. Although, I think the things should be followed for acquiring success are: 1. Determine the goal. 2. Industry, 3. Perseverance, 4. Sincerity, 5. Able to take the right decision in right time, 6. Self confidence and 7. Never give up hope and work if failure.