This can be done with confidence by administering the Reiss Motivation Profile to the two groups of athletes. Compute the two profiles. The RMP is commercially distributed at [email protected]. if this is a dissertation, you can ask for free tests.
I am looking for any publish-unpublished data in this domain (a comparison between motivations/behavioral regulations in Martial sports and Non-Martial Sports) rather than any instrument etc.
I have gather data by Behavioral Regulations in Sport questionnaire (BRSQ-6; Londsale et al. 2008) base on the self-determination theory.
Article The Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ): Ins...
Below are two studies that reported motivation for practicing martial arts.
Jones, G. W., Mackay, K. S., & Peters, D. M. (2006). Participation motivation in martial artists in the west midlands region of England. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Combat Sports Special Issue, 28-34.
Zaggelidis, G., Martinidis, K., & Zaggelidis, S. (2004). Comparative study of factors-motivates in beginning practicing judo and karate. Physical Training: Fitness for Combatives, May, 1-8.
I think, however, the response that you noted is a big claim (I do not agree with your opinion!)
I am working for nearly five-years on SDT in Iran, and I believe that SDT`s tenets properly and significantly design and developed as well as its predictions are in a proper way. Also, I believe that the SDT is the proper way to study motivations and its applications on different domains.
However, could you please let me know in which way you believe in! and why?
Here is a better study. It shows that the major motivators are those that drive athleticism and differences in selecting preferred sports are much less important. Studies that don't control for general differences in athleticism are uncontrolled. Also the measures used in this sudy uismuch better validated.
Article: Trait motivational correlates of athleticism
After reviewing your paper, I ought to say again that I do not agree with your opinion and with your paper. Because of you measure 15 variables as motives, while I think many of them are not motives, for example: acceptance is related more to needs or health outcomes and not as motives, I mean that intrinsically motivation behaviors are as the results of basic needs (i.x., acceptance, social contact, romance: these are similar to need for Relatedness and they can categorized in basic needs) that conceptualized as an outcomes. These needs indirectly/directly affect motivations (intrinsic or extrinsic).
Also, all of those students who participated in more than one sport activity, specifically, are not athlete, they participates in physical activities base on their desire (as satisfying their basic needs or enhancing their well-being), and these desires to participate in physical activities as an outcome are related to different type of motivations.
Base on SDT, basic need satisfaction (like social contact or acceptance) are related to autonomous behaviors or intrinsic motivation (figure)
Consequently, please let me to know why you measure these variables as motives? More explanations will be appreciate.