We recently concluded a study on the prevalence and characteristics of maxillofacial injuries in patients with mTBi, and analysed the possible influence of maxillofacial (MF) trauma over specific cognitive deficits post trauma (namely executive function, memory and attention). We also looked out for WM tracts that were affected both in the acute and follow up phase [controlling for both the presence of maxfac injuries and as well as the CT imaging findings (intracranial lesion vs. none)]. The results were quite interesting and seem to challenge the conventional understanding and management of patients with mTBI.
We found that patients with maxillofacial injuries without intracranial lesion doing significantly worse over time in the domains of executive function and memory. Miscrostructurally, these patients seem to have poorer WM integrity especially involving the projection and association fibers (mainly corona radiata, cingulum, superior longitudinal fasiculus, optic radiation and genu of the corpus callosum).
Would appreciate your thoughts on the biophysics and biomechanics of maxillofacial trauma in mTBI and how that could explain the findings.