Greetings Folks,

I'm currently running some iterations of some Hormone/Molecular data from my research on turtle hormone concentrations.

At the moment I've grouped my data into the three groupings based on Sampling Period.

There are three different Variables I am investigating, Estrogen, Testosterone, and Vitellogenin Concentration of plasma. Each of categories has varying sample size due to this being a field based project.

When I run ANOVA, none of the variables meet BOTH typical assumptions (Vitellogenin meets distribution but not the assumption of equal variance, Estrogen meets neither, etc). Thus I've concluded non-parametric analyses might be better to compare concentrations between these months.

I've run Kruskal-Wallace, and it suggests significance each time for two variables (Estrogen and Vitellogenin), but when I look at Cover-Inmann analysis it shows no significance being present, then when looking at Dwass-Steel-Chritchlow-Fligner for the same values, the P-values all appear significant.

Perhaps I am misinterpreting the results of these? Any advice on where to go next would be greatly appreciated!


Jordan Donini

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