There are different beneficiary effect of soil organic matter in the soil. Therefore, you have to mention at least seven beneficiary effects of soil organic matter (SOM) in the Globe.
Soil organic matter significantly improves the soil's capacity to store and supply essential nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium), and to retain toxic elements. It allows the soil to cope with changes in soil acidity, and helps soil minerals to decompose faster.
1. Chemically, soil organic matter affects the cation exchange capacity and the capacity for buffering changes in soil pH. Biologically, organic matter acts as the nutrient and energy supply for microbial biomass and higher plants
2. Increasing levels of organic matter aid in soil structure, water-holding capacity, nutrient mineralization, biological activity, and water and air infiltration rates.
3. Biological Function, Nutrient Supply, Soil Structure, Water Holding Capacity, Erosion Control
4. Add crop residues by including cover crops, organic matter (e.g., residues, manure, etc.), or growing a high biomass/yielding crop rotation. Crop residues help protect the soil surface from raindrop impact and erosion and add carbon back to the soil.
5. Increasing levels of organic matter aids in soil structure, water- holding capacity, nutrient mineralization, biological activity, and water and air infiltration rates. Soil organic matter is the single most important soil property that can be influenced through management practices.
6. The remaining dry matter consists of carbon (C), oxygen, hydrogen (H) and small amounts of sulphur (S), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg).
7. maintains a healthy, productive soil by providing food and a home for microbes.
8. protects our soils - a non-renewable resource - from erosion losses.
Physically, it plays a crucial role in enhancing the physical properties of soil. By improving soil structure, it effectively mitigates soil erosion and facilitates better water infiltration and retention. Consequently, this creates an optimal environment for plant roots and soil organisms to thrive.
Chemically, soil organic matter exerts a significant influence on the chemical aspects of soil. It directly impacts the cation exchange capacity, which refers to the soil's ability to retain and release essential nutrients for plants. Additionally, it also enhances the soil's capacity to buffer changes in pH, ensuring a stable and conducive environment for plant growth.
Biologically, soil organic matter assumes a vital role in the biological realm. It serves as a valuable source of nutrients and energy for microbial biomass and higher plants. This symbiotic relationship between soil organic matter and these organisms fosters a healthy and flourishing ecosystem.
In conclusion, the advantages of soil organic matter encompass its ability to improve soil structure, control erosion, enhance water infiltration and retention, influence nutrient availability, and provide nourishment for microbial and plant life. By recognizing and harnessing these benefits, we can cultivate sustainable and productive agricultural practices while preserving the health of our soils.