Statistical Causality: In my opinion, the scientific, analytic-philosophical and scientific-philosophical concepts of causation and “causal explanation” (20thcentury) follow one type of admixture or other of the above two. Here follow the dire – science-debilitating – consequence of such an attitude of ignominy of Causality in science and philosophy. I shall exemplify this by critiquing the physical and cosmological turn in statistical causality and its consequences.

The first mistake that statistical causalists make is the confusion between the epistemic and the metaphysical, because they (just like all of us, most scientists and philosophers) they make us to think that, what we discover is the whole reality about whatever object is under inquiry at that time, merely and directly because (1) our causal discovery or non-discovery of something specific is verified experimentally and experimental-theoretically, (2) the statistical method yields the “scientific” truths just like the “experimental” method does, (3) “scientific” truth is the only possible mode of truths, and (4) in most cases in most sciences we have only the statistical method to fall back upon.

The technological economic, and daily-life orientation of truth is to blame. Not merely are scientists but also technologists, politicians, and the medical industry who refuse to recognize the problem. The above is one of the most terribly unassuming fallacies that humankind has got trapped in. I have mentioned it earlier as the worst epistemological mistake of humanity. If the experimentally based method of statistical reasoning concerning causation in the sciences concludes that there is causation at some spots in existent physical processes and there is no causation at some other spots, a rationally justified objection is as follows.

A mode of thinking, logic, mathematics, philosophy, and science that can at least attempt to transcend this problem by assuming the utmost importance to the fundamental Categories and truths is yet to emerge. That alone can annihilate the politically and economically religious and scientific use of truths and Nature in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Eastern Europe, and most parts of western Europe. This alone will change the power-political scenario in the world. This may ultimately change humanity into a democratically peaceful place to continue to exist. All other sorts of attempts will be quick-fix solutions, but short-lived, and destructive.

The statistician, statistical physicist, and statistical causalist have the right only to claim that at some spots in physical processes specific kinds of causation may be discovered and at some other spots they are not able to fix or determine the existence of causation at all. This does not mean that their effort was to discover all possible sorts of causation in their sample.

Now, converting this indecision into not admitting Universal Causality and into the claim that there are some spots in physical nature where there is no causation is absolutely unwarranted, because the scientist here is not trying to nor is capable of discovering all sorts of causation within the field of inquiry, and instead, only some kinds of it. Therefore, the epistemically based and oriented conclusion of discovery of some causes cannot be converted into a metaphysically based and oriented conclusion, that is, a conclusion that treats of the existent processes as being causal.

A metaphysical conclusion saying that the statistically attained state of non-attainment of all sorts of causes is the nature of all existents is unacceptable from a rational viewpoint, however great and appealing the empirical appeal exerted by such scientists is. I agree that there have been great empirical discoveries and theoretical edifices where only and merely statistically characterized methods have been used.

This is merely because the statistical inquiry in such sciences is for some specific kinds of causes – not for all possible sorts of causes that there can be in the whole system of existent processual objects under consideration! It is beyond their field of study to ask after the causal or non-causal nature of all that exist.

Does that mean that they must now reach their hands in fields where they cannot reach by their own choice and make mysterious, mystery-mongering, and irrational statements about the already pre-scientifically Universal-Causal characteristic of Reality-in-total, or call all theories of Causality as mechanistic?

All their arguments in favour of the above-said position of ignominy of the pre-scientifically metaphysical (physical-ontological) concept of Universal Causality would finally imply at least that the creation of a cosmos and even the normal processual events in any part of the cosmos will then have to be a statistical, stochastic, probabilistic process. That is, if creation, or for that matter any event in the cosmos, has happened once, it could have happened many times, and it would happen many more times in the future.


(1) Gravitational Coalescence Paradox and Cosmogenetic Causality in Quantum Astrophysical Cosmology, 647 pp., Berlin, 2018.

(2) Physics without Metaphysics? Categories of Second Generation Scientific Ontology, 386 pp., Frankfurt, 2015.

(3) Causal Ubiquity in Quantum Physics: A Superluminal and Local-Causal Physical Ontology, 361 pp., Frankfurt, 2014.

(4) Essential Cosmology and Philosophy for All: Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology, 92 pp., KDP Amazon, 2022, 2nd Edition.

(5) Essenzielle Kosmologie und Philosophie für alle: Gravitational-Koaleszenz-Kosmologie, 104 pp., KDP Amazon, 2022, 1st Edition.

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