An example was given by C. L. Kausel .  The two English words ingenious and ingenuous are often confused, even by English speakers.  Ingenious means (briefly) clever or possessing genius, which Ingenuous means innocent (the word ingenue usually means an innocent young woman, esp in theatre). 

Are there pairs of words in your language which have the same curious mix of meaning?

Or:  In learning a language, there are many times when you think you know the meaning because your language has a word that sounds alike.  These are called "false friends".  So many examples:  For instance in French, the word "libraire" sounds like English "library", but really means a bookstore.  "poisson" (fish) sounds like "poison".  Which reminds me, in German "gift" is "poison" in English.  I'd love to hear some other ones from from as many languages as possible.

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