In many areas of electrochemistry (electrocatalytic water splitting, CO2 reduction, N2 reduction, etc.), we must relate electrochemical data (current, potential) to on-line chemical quantification data (from e.g. gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy) to properly characterize processes and determine Faradaic efficiencies of electrochemical transformations under different conditions. The challenge is that this requires multiple different sets of hardware & software, and produces data output in different formats and with different time scales. Such systems typically aren't designed to work together automatically, so the researcher must typically spend significant time on post-run data workup to represent the results in a meaningful way.

To those working in this area: What are some strategies for automating the analysis of these combinations of data? Of course, with clever programming (and considerable effort), one could make their own unified software managing everything (e.g. in LabVIEW), but surely there are examples of simpler approaches which people use. I am curious to hear how you do it -- and hopefully this conversation can be mutually helpful for everyone.

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