I was under the impression that CUT&RUN's benefits came primarily from reducing cell input count. But with (not so recent) improvements in ChIP such as Nano-ChIP and LinDa-Chip, the latter of which brings down cell count to 10k cells (but let's take 50k for discussion), what reasons are there to really choose one method over the other?

What are the advantages of each method now that cell counts needed are much lower for ChIP sequencing, are they both equally good or are there reasons to choose one over the other?


Edit1: references of LinDA and Nano-ChIP

Shankaranarayanan, Pattabhiraman, et al. "Single-tube linear DNA amplification (LinDA) for robust ChIP-seq." Nature methods 8.7 (2011): 565-567.

Adli, Mazhar, and Bradley E. Bernstein. "Whole-genome chromatin profiling from limited numbers of cells using nano-ChIP-seq." Nature protocols 6.10 (2011): 1656-1668.

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