Principlly Belal may be right but for me it seems too restrictive. I would prefer study of high-moral servant true transformational leadership because neither authentic leadership nor psychological capital by themselves define HRM which enhances high-trust organizational culture which is essential for effective management of today's sophisticated entrprises. See my book 'Mismanagement, "Jumpers," and Morality (New York: Routledge. 2017) and the attached article.
A potential area of interest in HRM may be culture barrier free recruitment as we increasingly recruit from the global labour market. I would also add 'digital leadership' as a topic with still some potential.
Recruitment industry can be revolutionized by using blockchain concept in near future. There are already startups budding up supporting and embracing the new technology.
I am attaching this recent paper done by my group members. Hope this helps.
Human resourcemanagement (HRM) ismaking the best possible use of individuals for achieving the organizationalobjectives. The definition was developed came under focus instead of mere rational administrationin late twentieth century;thereafter employeemotivation and job satisfaction(Hartel, Fujimoto, Strybosh andFitzpatrick 2007). In present day world organizations all over the world are facing critical challenges and survival has been linked with the development of newcapabilities. Thereis a need to find opportunities through these emerging challenges like globalization, change management, investment in human capital, growth etc.Human resource strategies can be used as a vibrant tool vital towards success. Strategicalignment of human capital can best be achieved throughe ffective HR practices.Management of the human capital has assumed added significance after realization of the fact that people are assets of strategic importance. The concept of personnel management is no more relevant in the context after evolution of strategic concept of human resource management. After this paradigm shift of the emphasis human resource policies are being aligned with business strategies.
Given that need for research to be closely aligned with practice, one of the areas you could consider is the major challenge organizations continue to face due to the impact of changing technology on their people. For instance, people's fear of losing their jobs because of automation, AI etc, or having to continuously learn new skills, techniques in a short span of time, lack of resources or support for learning. HR has a huge opportunity here to add value, in assisting managers and leaders understand employees feelings, deal with employee issues affecting productivity (such as putting in place systems to cross-skill, and to create a culture of continuous learning etc). Perceptions, behaviors, skill gaps, performance and productivity issues, attitudes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment etc.) are topics to consider (in the context of technological changes).
In Africa and Least Developing countries there is need to carry out more studies on cultural ethics, values and how they affects employees productivity. As most viable organisations/institutions in such nations have been lost to corruption and poor employees performance
Technology savvy HR function with flexibility and added value as the central tenets. Added to this is balancing dignity and respect for employees across diversity and equality considerations.
Verl Anderson and I have just written a book for NOVA Publishing on Strategic Human Resource Management. Attached herewith is the final chapter which focuses on the future of HRM. Perhsps this chapter will be of value to you. Also attached is a paper about High Performance Work Systems that may merit your consideration.
A key research topic for the success of any company in the future is optimizing of its organization and management by integrating of efforts of all human resources, computers and robots into an adaptive system as efficiently as possible. For this purpose can be useful the new scientific concepts (the scientific systemic management, the scientific systemic vision, the universal law of organization, the universal model of organization and management, the six scientific management functions and others), launched by the book: Scientific Systemic Management. Fundamental Concepts:
Three pillar of company or the organization namely Man ,Money & Material all though are the need of successful management but in the line of the present system of organization Man , cannot be an isolated part of the organization & as such HRM remains the ideal contribution of any organization .
In view of this sometimes back i have expressed my views in the important matter of HRD which is equivalent to HRM for which i submit herewith my presentation for your perusal
Sustainability can be addressed in different aspects, for that , the ideal research area is Green HRM , Gree HRM is also broader concept. As professor Opatha's comment you can narrow down it.
In my opinion an interesting topic may be eg. Human capital management - a research team conducting work aimed at creating innovative technological solutions.