Hello, I am not an expert in CWSN education , but as a teacher I can give you advice in this regard. At the outset, I thank you for raising this important topic, which unfortunately many teachers may not pay attention to. The key to evaluation for a teacher is feedback. Feedback has many methods, so it can be subjective in the sense that you review yourself or watch a recorded video of you while you teaching. It could be from a close colleague. It could be from the students, and in your case, if it is not possible, you cab observe the satisfaction that is formed in the students if they are not able to express in words. It is also possible to get the feedback from educational supervisors. Good luck.
Thank you for your response. I do believe Dewey's teacher reflection process to be one of the strongest attributes of teaching profession. It is a shame that we do not use that more actively. In fact, it is something that should be consciously taught to student teachers so that evidence-based practice or research-focussed teaching methodologies have solid grounds to grow into something fruitful.
So, it goes without saying that feedback goes a long way in achieving that outcome. :)
Hi, first of all I wish successful for you and your students.
Your question needs to clarfid some points because teaching methods will suggest should be based on the needs of your students. In genral, I suggest to start with Instruction Design models, such as ADDIE, to figure out all the needs and build your instruction. Also, evaluation is higher level than assissment, so you need to evaluate all the process from day one, that way using Instruction Design from the beginning will help you to evaluate your students' performances. Review ARSC model to motivate your students.
Finally, exams is not the only way to find your students' achievements, you could use refractions, peer evaluation, discussion, and observation. All that based on your students' characters and needs.