Above is a link to my questionnaire. It has three objectives to evaluate.

1) From Page 2-6 the questionnaire ask the stress factors that effects the individual, Stressors like work overload, office politics. .... the answer contains likert item scale with (options 0= never 1=almost never 2= sometimes 3= fairy often and 4= very often)

2) Objective 2 contains the perceived stress stress scale. It has 10 questions. Each question has a value based on what option you select, then they are all added and a single value is determined. At the end it tells if an individual has low, normal or high stress level based on the value generated .

options 0= never 1=almost never 2= sometimes 3= fairy often and 4= very often

3) Objective 3 evaluates 3 types of performances with 18 questions namely task performance, contextual performance and counterproductive work behavior.

Each item in performance has a set value based on what option is selected and after calculating 3 values are generated for each performance category that tells a persons performance .

Options for 3rd objective are little different

0= rarely 1= sometimes 3= regularly 4= often 5= always.

My question is what analysis to run to evaluate this questionnaire.

I want to analyze what stressors effect the stress levels the most. meaning what stressors have been chosen by those who have moderate or high stress levels. Plus i want to know the impact of both stressors and stress level on performance.

Any suggestion you can give will be appreciated.

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