I am studying flounder from the Thames and have found that they contain several fibres in their digestive tracts. I have a small sample remaining and plan to remove the digestive tracts and study them for microplastics as I have previously but would like to perform an acid digestion on the rest of the fish to test for the possibility of translocation. I know that several digestion processes damage plastics especially fibres. As such I have come to three possibilities: sulphuric acid, hypochloric acid and proteinase-K. I found a document online that said sulphuric acid digests plastic. If this is the case I cannot use it. I have also read that proteins-K is expensive, so may not fit in my limited budget. I would really appreciate some advice on possible approaches to extracting the fibres from the tissues of fish. FT-IR identified fibres as acrylic, nylon, polyethylene, PET, polyamide and polyester.