11 November 2018 3 2K Report

I am performing sandwich ELISAs in order to detect TNF-alpha from stimulated murine macrophages and have run into some small issues.

Whenever I use the NUNC MaxiSorp plates (recommended for sandwich ELISAs) I get a ton of background noise and the standards don't work very well, despite troubleshooting every aspect of my technique. When I use the NUNC PolySorp plates, the standards look beautiful, but I only get very weak signals on my samples.

I have some Immulon 2HB (MediSorp) plates that I've been thinking of trying, although they are quite old and I am unsure of how they'll fare.

For those of you who have done numerous murine TNF-a ELISAs, what plates did you find worked best for you?

Thanks in advance!

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