Dear all,
Is there a way to use wB97X functionals with D3 or NL dispersion in Gaussian 16? wB97XD uses GD2 dispersion, and I would like to change the dispersion to D3, D3(BJ) or NL (with appropriate IOps I guess?). wB97M-V (or D3BJ) would also work, but as I understand, these functionals are not available in Gaussian 16.
Using other software is not really an option. Orca might be, but I cannot run it on the cluster, and it takes a lot of time to run a calculation on my personal computer. I was also considering double hybrid functionals (such as revDSD-PBE86-D3BJ and B2GP-PLYP with appropriate IOps), but the computational expenses are quite high, even for single point calculations.
Thanks in advance!