
I am trying to generate a wave pulse in nano wire (using LAMMPs). The wave pulse is a product of Sin(2*PI*q*dt) and Cos(2*PI*q*dt) function. Where q is the frequency and dt is the time.

The wave pulse is applied as a time dependent force at the middle of the nano wire to generate a wave along the length.

I have recorded the displacement profile with time at two locations along the length, I have noticed that the shape and magnitude of the displacement  profile generated by the wave changes from one location to another for the complete time period.

In principle, the shape and magnitude of the displacement generated by the wave pulse should remain the same at all points with time, unless there is a damping, which causes dispersion.

Can any one comment, why there is a dispersion noticed in the displacement profile (the amplitude is reducing with time from one location to another and also the shape is distorting)?

Is there a damping in LAMMPs or My simulation is in correct.

Your help and comments are highly appreciated,


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