There is an ongoing discussion with colleagues about A VISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE. The main concern is how to improve university education and what are steps and directions for such improvements.

It seems to me that the main problem of the already presented approaches is that they resemble an attempt to treat an already dead entity. The sad truth is that there will be no universities or formally centralized education in the societal landscape of the future. I will demonstrate this with a well-known example related to industry.

An outdated model - Manufacturers Distributors Consumers is already dead. Distributors (in their classical meaning, and a number of them) no longer needed. Due to the radical changes in the attitudes and preferences of consumers and the technological opportunities that have arisen, distributing units must be shut down or converted into directing units (or platforms) that are aimed to interconnect producers and consumers directly. Or even more difficult, to interconnect prosumers and to arrange and direct such connections between prosuming agents. The new (but not the newest) model is – Manufacturers Directing (interconnecting) unit (or platform) Consumers.

Returning to education, the model (by analogy) is as follows. Families (as producers of children) -> Universities (and the other units of formal education as distributors in their classical meaning) -> Industry (jobs, working places). The role of the current university is to connect families and jobs, segregate them, adding retail values to children (as classic distributors usually do). But it is already out of date. Even adding reverse arrows to the model (as in the industry model, and we could observe such desperate attempts like STEM, STEAM, industry requirements, or similar) will not help.

There is a need for another model – Families (as producers of children) Directing (interconnecting) unit (or platform) Industry (jobs, working places). It is needed to link each child personally (by means of technology and from the very moment of his or her birth) and his or her prospective workplace, as well as further direct the process by providing relevant services in the long term and on demand.

What to do? Just to forget about improvement of the university or other units of formal education and to focus on families and children, their needs and expectations, providing practical and technologically supported organizational opportunities for personal development and growth of children, and which will be personally associated with a specified number of prospective employment (or another form of future activities) opportunities.

Technically such solutions start to emerge, like for example ubiquitous or seamless educational approaches, but this just the start and I think it will be subject to acceleration caused by the Black Swan in the form of coronavirus issues and China’s relevant response promoting distance education. Instead of formal educational institutions, directing (interconnecting or logistics) units will appear. But, of course, this requires further discussions, since it is associated with a large number of issues, such as philosophical, political, methodological, technological, etc. ... but this is a different story.

It would be nice if you could share your ideas and your vision or your links to your contribution regarding the role and embodiment of the university (or formal education in general) of the future. To be, or not to be … and what is the future of academics and academia? May be we can collect ideas and develop a list of prospective authors for a journal SI to be further published, or to arrange a project on this topic… looking forward to your comments and productive discussion.

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