I have calculated charge density using this postprocessing for materials with cubic symmetry. But I have obtain VESTA image using .cube output file. Any comment for this failure?
outdir = "./outdir/"
prefix = "KGeCl3_scf_cal"
filplot = "file.cube"
plot_num = 0
iflag = 3
output_format = 6
fileout = "myplot_rho.cube"
e1(1)=1.0, e1(2)=0.0, e1(3)=0.0,
e2(1)=0.0, e2(2)=1.0, e2(3)=0.0,
e3(1)=0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3)=1.0,
x0(1)=0.0, y0(2)=0.0, z0(3)=0.0,
nx=64, ny=64, nz=64