Does someone has any experience to write Fortran subroutines to customize Aspen Plus, Especially Kinetics Subroutine. I need to calculate FLUXM and FLUXS in user kinetics subroutine.
Guest first with the code in the paper of Mahdi Sharifzadeh. You can copy this code directly of the article. Next, you can compile and link the code with the instructions in the appendix D in the Bachelor Thesis of Paola Molano. This exercise will allow you to understand the overall process with the fortran routines. Additionally, I agree with @Brian Hanley: you must review the user models guide.
@Ejaz...this code is for some different process. they have worked on optimization of ETBE production....u mean to say that doing this exercise will make me to understand my problem??
regarding user guide of Aspen, i am following that. they have discussed about ultra-filtration process of proteins..
I am sorry, i don't know much about your task but 'DESIGN AND CONTROL OF DISTILLATION SYSTEMS FOR SEPARATING AZEOTROPES by WILLIAM L. LUYBEN' seemed to have model at page 434. I don't know how you prefer to work with your task, may be with Aspen Custom Modeler or Fortran or VBA. You need to decide and start learning that specific software and keep trying to develop code for your model. it takes some time to understand and develop correct code.
sir i am working with Aspen Custom Modeler. but till now i don't have able to develop any code for my equations. this book has shown code but mine are differential equations which is not discussed any where, even not in the manual of Aspen Plus.
You need to apply numerical recipes to solve ODE's. Matlab, Fortran & C++ etc offers numerical methods to solve ODE's. If you have decided Aspen Custom modeler then start focusing on Numerical recipes in C++, you will find books , literature to apply numerical methods.
Please have a look at attached links to understand how to solve ODE's with different softwares.
I want complete my answer. I attach two simulations which they were worked with my students in the past. The first (named "cumeneconrutina.apw") use a FORTRAN subrutine (named "usrkin2.f") to calculate the kinetic expresiones in a PBR (the rate equations is in the pdf named "DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE CUMENE PROCESS"). The second (named "CON-RUTINA.apw") use a FORTRAN subrutine (named "usrkin.f") to calculate the kinetic expresions in a CSTR (the rate equations is in the pdf named "AICHE Journal Volume 57 issue 3 2011..."). You must take into account that the used Aspen version was the 8.6.
Finally, note that is necessary compile the routines before run the simulations.
There is not mandatory make the link with dll libraries. Make the link is mandatory when you want run the simulation in a computer without a fortran compiler.
In practical terms... with the routine and the apw archive in the same folder: "compile the routine, run the simulation and enjoy ".
I decided to write this because is not easy find information with regard to this topic in the internet...
Dear Sir, That's very true, getting this type of information from internet is extremely difficult. Certainly, This information is very helpful for me. I am really thankful for your time and help.
You don't need to install any external package if you want to work with Aspen custom modeler. Please complete the attached Manual to understand about Aspen custom modeler.
I do my undergraduate dissertation on the subject of fluidized bed gasification and I'm trying to model it with Aspen Plus. For gasification kinetics, I use the same method as you presented but I'm having a problem.
When I try to adjust the usrkin.f subroutine by changing the components and the reactions I get the following error:
Below I share the files that I use (the prototype you have sent CON-RUTINA.apw and usrkin.f and my modification CON-RUTINA3.apwz and usrkin1.f).I use the compiling procedure that Paola Molano follows.
hello every one, i need a help to fix This problème when i compile a fortran file with coomand aspcom to custom a memebrane in aspen plus, such as i installed aspen plus v10 and visual basic 2015 and intel parallel studio 2017 , error is : Information : impossible de trouver des fichiers pour le(s) modèle(s) spécifié(s).
ASPCOMP: Warning! Intel Fortran compiler ifort.exe not found in %PATH%
ASPCOMP: Warning! Intel Fortran runtime library libifcoremd.lib not found in %LIB%
ASPCOMP: Warning! Intel Fortran runtime library is needed for Dynamic Linking.
'ifort.exe' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Error in compiling preprocessed file: Check compile.log