3 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Pavlos Kostopoulos
I want to model biomass pyrolysis by the following reaction set: Biomass = CO Biomass = CO2 Biomass = H2 Biomass = H2O Biomass = CH4 where Biomass is a non-conventional solid, in a RCSTR reactor....
04 April 2020 5,232 13 View
I'm looking for an Aspen Plus theory guide, where you can find all the basic equations which describe the modules of the program. Does it exist and is it available for an undergraduate student?
21 November 2019 9,099 3 View
I'm using Aspen Plus v8.6 and I'm facing the following issue: I want to get the heat of reaction(combustion) in a reactor(Rstoic) block and when I use a calculator block for the air fuel...
29 October 2019 1,866 2 View