01 January 1970 5 814 Report

Dear collegues,

last month I received mail from my algerian colleages that they finally submitted an article on which we worked together for a long time.

Only a few weeks later I received a notification that the article has been accepted for publication. For me it was really surprising (and unbelievable) and therefore I asked my colleagues to send me the name of the journal --- it was Ponte: Multidisciplinary Journal of Science and Research.

According to the internet it is an hijaked Journal (original Journal is Il Ponte).

Actually my colleagues thought to publish in an ISI listed journal (it is written on their homepage that Ponte is ISI listed but actually this is only true for the original journal Il Ponte).

I explained to my colleagues that the IF of the journal is fake and that there was no scientific peer review process; however, the manuscript is published now and my colleagues lost a few hundred dollar.

What should we do now? Is it possible to retract the article?

Thank you in advance

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