Any recommandations for journal articles, conference pappers or studies that link tourism experience to tourism or economic development of a region? Thαnk you in advance. Meletios
Very interesting subject. Surely experience in all fields will help the development. In Tourism especially it has significant role in developing a region and more experience in tourism actors will force the region to be developed as soon as possible.
Dear Akbar Ghasemi thank you so much for your reply.
For sure experience helps help the development of a region. What is my interest has to do with the scientific community is approaching this relatioship and if there is any study of how we can measure it or any methodological approach!!!
While I do not have a specific answer for you, the following scholar has done considerable and detailed work on the topic of interest to you... It would be good to follow up with him:
Law, R., Bai, B., Ritchie, J. B., Tung, V. W. S., & Ritchie, R. J. (2011). Tourism experience management research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Carlisle, S., Kunc, M., Jones, E., & Tiffin, S. (2013). Supporting innovation for tourism development through multi-stakeholder approaches: Experiences from Africa. Tourism Management, 35, 59-69.
Kastenholz, E., Carneiro, M. J., Marques, C. P., & Lima, J. (2012). Understanding and managing the rural tourism experience—The case of a historical village in Portugal. Tourism Management Perspectives, 4, 207-214.
Buhalis, D., & Amaranggana, A. (2015). Smart tourism destinations enhancing tourism experience through personalisation of services. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2015 (pp. 377-389). Springer, Cham.