I purified my His tagged recombinant protein using affinity chromatography, followed by cation exchange chromatography and finally gel filtration. After gel filtration I started concentrating my protein using Amicon centrifugal filters and whenever I noticed any precipitation during concentration I would add NaCl to keep the protein soluble (the protein is not happy in low salt concentration!). I stopped concentrating the protein when it reached 8mg/ml (I need such a high concentration for crystallography studies). Then to remove salt from my protein sample I dialyzed it into 20mM Tris, pH8.0, 150mM NaCl (which is the same buffer I used for gel filtration). However, annoyingly my protein precipitated after dialysis! I need low salt for crystallography and I am not sure to which buffer I should dialyze my protein to keep it happy, soluble and ready to go into crystallization screens. The pI of my protein is 7.1

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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