I have always found that insistence of society and thus parents over their children to identify their sexul maturity and growth often pushes them to make sure over homosexual or bisexual leads to gay
None, except if you mean the special brand of male androphilics and female ginephilics born and educated in the United States of the second half ot fhe 2oth century,, in which case parents are responsible for being Americans (no responsibility at all) and the society for being America in the second half of the 2oth century (no responsibility, either). There is an interaction between genes, intrauterine hormone influences on development and the environment, of course, which mediates and modulates androphilia and ginephilia in a seemingly endless cultural variants. Please, be careful no to confuse the terminology with the scientific definitions.
I am an evolutionary sexologist, with a firm grip on biology.. You are not. Why blame parents? Are a Freudian? Psychoanalisis is not scientific, you know. Where is the scientific logic of asserting that if I insist that you must ensure and certify your sexual identity, you are going to slip over to bisexuality and then settle into homosexuality? You are a bunch of prejudices, dear Suja. In my readings, India is full of prejudices against homosexuality, a lot of them inherited from the Britsh Empire and the Victorian morality, I am sure. A country always educates its inhabitants through beliefs and unexamined assertions.
As far as I know, Suja, parents and society have no real influence over a person's sexual orientation (that is, the physical/sexual attraction to other people, whether same-sex, opposite sex, or both). Perhaps what you are interested in, however, is the 'meaning' parents and society 'give' to the facts of attraction (i.e., 'what the attraction means': sinful? no problem? normal? not normal?). If society is homophobic, for example, that won't make the sexual desire/attraction 'go way' (though it may cause the stigmatized individual to hide that attraction, deny it, mask it, etc). Basically, you cannot make someone gay or straight in terms of sexual orientation. But you can accept or stigmatize that sexual orientation.