While skin is the largest organ of human body, it is the least vital in terms of nutrient uptake. Studies have shown that nutrients absorbed internally are provided first to the most vital organs (heart, liver, brain, etc.) making skin the last to receive these vitamins and minerals which are necessary for healthy skin. However, some recent studies have established an association between dietary nourishment and skin conditions. Further, topical application of various herbs, clays, essential oils and waters had been in practice since ages owing to their beneficial health benefits, primarily to the skin, hair, nails, nerves, muscles, joints and blood conditions. Also, skin nutrient products are being claimed to be a significant preventative lifestyle requirement in the modern era of exposure to chemical pollution in food, soil, water and the air. Hence, the question arises whether any skin care or cosmetic products that are promoted to increase the skin health and defence are based on reality or a false premise.

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