I have been trying to calculate thermal conductivity of above mentioned rigid water models at 300K through LAMMPS in Gree-Kubo approach and for all the models, it over predict the results to the unacceptable range (More than 100% over prediction). I see some literature[1] [2] where they get the results within 20-50% over prediction. My results are as follows,
SPC/E - around 1 W/mK
TIP4P - around 1.2 W/mK
TIP4P/2005 - around 1.3 W/mK
Where the experimental value is around 0.61 [2]
My simulation details are as follows,
Units: real
Time_step: 1fs
pair_style: lj/cut/tip4p/long (for TIP4P) and lj/cut/coul/long (for SPC/E)
Long range Coulomb solver: pppm/tip4p (for TIP4P models) and pppm (for SPC/E)
GK Correlation length: 200ns
Angle and Bond lengths were fixed via fix shake.
Does anyone faced the same problem or wish someone can help me out. I have attached my input script (water.in) and the read_data file (data.lmp) containing water molecules.
[1] - DOI: 10.1063/1.4789961
[2] - DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2018.1562123