10 August 2017 2 4K Report

There are no unbreakable keys

Nonlinear or periodic cycles, only four states, such as gravitational waves.

0, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees.

1, f first derivative is greater than 0, second derivative is less than 0;

The first derivative of f is greater than 0, the second derivative is greater than 0;

The derivative of f is less than 0, the second derivative is less than 0;

The derivative of f is less than 0, and the second derivative is greater than 0.

Quantum communication is four separate composite helical waves.

As long as you capture the information of four composite waves simultaneously, the key is decoded.

For camouflage, another set of composite waves can be added.

45 degrees, 135 degrees, 215 degrees, 315 degrees of quantum information waves.

The reason why quantum key deciphering is 5% is that when a wave's key deciphering rate is 80%,

So 80% is 40%, 20%, 10%, 5%.

In fact, when a set of quantum information is captured at the same time, the deciphering rate is 80%.

A quantum computer is a quaternary computer.

0 divided by 0 plus deltaT is greater than 0;

0 divided by 0 plus deltaT is less than 0;

1 divided by 1 + deltaT is greater than 0;

1 divided by 1 + deltaT is less than 0;

Four states.

Reading quantum information steps:

One, half the light.Select a group of two groups of information.

2. Partial light.The projection onto the plane.

3. Separation of light.Separate the four states of information.

4. Information compensation, four types of information related repair.

5. Information transformation.

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