Nuclear fusion seems a great solution for the demand of Energy. It is safe, has infinite fuel, produce a negligible amount of waste etc.

There are enormous technical challenges still to overcome, but let’s assume one moment, for the sake of the argument, that we find a way to solve them and the power plant is now “technically ready”.

Reading around seems that the cost of such plant will be huge: a lot of material required, complexity in the construction etc. Such construction costs include a very relevant energy price. For instance digging all the material and “transform” them requires a lot of energy. I have the feeling that the energy produced all over the life cycle has the same order of magnitude: i.e. at the end the “net balance” is not so convenient. Considered the huge capital cost the ration “Net energy produce / cost” would be quite poor as well.

This is just a feeling; does someone have arguments/publication pro or against this idea?

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