I once quoted the smile of Diego-san’s robot face ( http://www.hansonrobotics.com/robot/diego-san/ , first 4 seconds) which reminds me of someone I once met.
And recently I met the most smile-ingenious living human person. My suspicion is that this person is very religious but I have no positive or negative pertinent information.
Last year, I introduced the artificial smile amongst elephants, as well as amongst smile-blind human persons ( http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/neuroskeptic/2015/07/06/scientists-predict-elephant-szilamandee/#.VwZ01NDddJI ).
And I drew attention to an old man’s history-making smile and his “winning-everyone-over” soul. So the smile is a-comin’ again amongst a species justly named “the smilers.”
You should not abandon the youngest ones into kindergarten too early: they are our teachers, not the other way round.