Question: Can a democratic bio-ethical society arise from or survive the Stage-4 systemic corruption of corporate monopolism?

This is a corollary of the related issue, re: whether or not researchers ('scientists' & academics) serve the perversion or regressive status quo of "the state" (i.e., a 'democratic' society). Now, below, is my response to Jean-Paul's post:

I agree. Yet, it's now much worse. The reality is clearly observable here and at Academia."edu" and elsewhere in academia, etc. I call it the complex symptoms of pseudomythic neoPtolemaic orthodoxy. It maintains this 'modern' civilization's ecocidal status quo.

Donald Schon -- in his classic "Beyond the Stable State" etc. -- called the key subliminal 'mechanism' the "dynamic conservatism" of a group's or society's 'power' structure. Of course, the main seemingly 'external' causal factors are fueled and perpetuated by the dominant elite's parasitic financial system and their essentially anti-ethical, biocidal cultural paradigm, the piracy paradigm. However, as I show in [my preprint draft of] "Trump, Hitler, Freud, and Mostrosity", the other subliminal mechanism that we see in this advanced Stage-4 phase of cultural illness can be seen as pandemic mass-authoritarian personality disorder. Worse still, the further the syndrome and catastrophic consequences are allowed to persist, the more people are either infected or more severely threatened (and damaged or worse).

Unfortunately, the worst-case examples are Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Trump et al, and their loyal fanactical dupes. I use "dupes" because they have been duped, conned into believing the monstrous lies and propaganda of the malignant narcissists who maniulate and exploit them. However, as Carl Sagan sadly realized, most of us are too easily bamboozled, and the longer and worse, the less the victims want to know about it. Unfortunately, as Edward R. Murrow predicted at his farewell dinner, the world and corporate media of today were enabled by the same subliminal cowardice; and because '"most of us are allergic to reality"' and very unpleasant news.

Now, more to the point, what could seem more unpleasant than discovering that our tenure, funding, and socioeconomic status are threatened by new and better science or maths?

We can see this in subliminal censorship and virtual suppression (and/or ostracism) of creative evolutionaries and discoverers of unorthodox truths and realities -- proving that the status quo paradigm of 'mordern' science is obsolete and/or deficient. For example, 'successful physics experts' either refuse to seriously consider my Work or they prefer selective inattention, or hostile negativity, ostracism, or whatever. Another example of neoPtolemaic academic orthodoxy retarding progress is the nearly total refusal and/or inability of 'successful' mathematical technicians to consider any new theory or metatheory (and related proofs) beyond their view of their favorite subjects of interest and narrow domain of special knowledge. For instance, my preprint paper on the solutions of the Rieman Hypothesis (RH) and P/NP problems, Goldbach's and Collatz's conjectures (and the actual basis of geometry, mathematics, numeric logic, and physics) have been posted and circulated (via email) since 2017. Yet, not one of the many allegedly leading-edge mathematicians has read it closely, considered it seriously, understood it, reviewed it, and critiqued or recommended it.

Now, that latter case may seem a strictly self-serving example, but none of the most well-respected 'leading-edge' mathematical technicians -- not even Riemann himself -- have found a truly satisfactory, comprehensive proof of RH or whether all complete NP problems are or are not computationally solvable as economically feasible P problems. In fact, as I show and verify in my Work, the RH and P/NP problems are perfect examples, proving that all NP problems are not quickly solvable as P problems.

So, clearly, the real problem perpetuating the malignant decline of Stage-4 democracies infected by anti-ethical corporate monopolism and/or fascism is the systemic corruption (perverse socialization) of the egos of an ever-greater majority of seemingly trustworthy, respectable people.


FYI: So, for me, the key issue is whether or not the normalized egos of ordinary scientists, mathematicians, educators, policy-makers, and politicians can liberate their minds from The Box of delusional oblivion maintained by the world's systemic corruption.

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