Read me: Article The gut microbiota and host health: A new clinical frontier

Questions to consider: (1) Do we find evidence of certain bacteria overpopulating/underpopulating in patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer? Are they inhibiting or contributing to cancer cell proliferation and growth? How would we measure that?

  • "Intestinal microbiota and colorectal cancer: a new aspect of research"
  • Article Dismicrobism in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal ca...

  • Article Factors Determining Colorectal Cancer: The Role of the Intes...

(2) "It is now recognized that the gut microbiota and chronic liver diseases are closely linked." Would we find evidence of liver dysfunction/malfunction in those diagnosed with colorectal cancer? ( Quote from paragraph entitled "Liver disease and the gut microbiota" inArticle The gut microbiota and host health: A new clinical frontier


(3) If the 3 ‘P's’ for gut health are probiotics, prebiotics and polyphenols, then what effect, if any, would a SIGNFICANT increase in one of these have on a colorectal cancer patient's length of survival?

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