01 January 1970 23 8K Report

I have always ask myself if We can speak about illness or use the term illness applied to the psychological problems, and it's because I think we are speaking about different things , medical illness and mental illness can't be considered under the same principles. While in one the body gets ill because there's a problem in the functioning of the body, and its medical identifiable, in the other, there's nothing, Just conduct....The medical referent of the illness is the physiology, the body, the biological, while in the mental illness is the personality, the culture, the predominant values of the time, the power relationships , the language. I am convinced that mental illness doesn't exist , but humans problems do, and for humans problems humans solutions.

In this order, I´m thinking to write a theoretical and reflection article, I would be very grateful if you, first share with me your ideas about this, and then recommend some bibliography.


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