(TEM): Substitute reagents for Uranyl-Acetate in positive and negative staining of resin ultrathin sections.

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to inform you of an article which recently was published in Journal of Electron Microscopy(Toyko) which I found to be perhaps of interest also to you Electron Microscopists:

Masamichi Nakakoshi, Hideo Nishioka, and Eisaku Katayama

New versatile staining reagents for biological transmission electron microscopy that substitute for uranyl acetate

Abstract: Aqueous uranyl acetate has been extensively used as a superb staining reagent for transmission electron microscopy of biological materials. However, recent regulation of nuclear fuel material severely restricts its use even for purely scientific purposes. Since uranyl salts are hazardous due to biological toxicity and remaining radioactivity, development of safe and non-radioactive substitutes is greatly anticipated. We examined two lanthanide salts, samarium triacetate and gadolinium triacetate, and found that 1–10% solution of these reagents was safe but still possess excellent capability for staining thin sections of plastic-embedded materials of animal and plant origin. Although post-fixation with osmium tetroxide was essential for high-contrast staining, post-staining with lead citrate could be eliminated if a slow-scan CCD camera is available for observation. These lanthanide salts can also be utilized as good negative-staining reagents to study supramolecular architecture of biological macromolecules. They were not as effective as a fixative of protein assembly, reflecting the non-hazardous nature of the reagents.

Key words: transmission electron microscopy - staining reagent - negative staining - uranyl acetate substitute - samarium triacetate - gadolinium triacetate

J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) 2011 60: 401-407; doi:10.1093/jmicro/dfr084.


No comment further but: at this point not knowing about prices of the substances mentioned in the article.

best wishes and regards

Wolfgang MUSS PhD


Edition of post 12-01-23: It is already known for years that e.g. lanthanum nitrate as a reagent (either added to the fixative or as separate incubation solution [cave: specific recipes to be followed!] has some special effects on retention of elemental substrates in human tissue preparation. Note: a copy of the article by Nakakoshi et al in J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) 2011 60 I own, so if you'd like to get more , please request from [email protected], best wishes and regards, Wolfgang Muss, Salzburg

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